by iSolonAdmin | May 18, 2017 | software,english, Uncategorized

Moborobo application, which is designed to documents on iOS and Android users to control all of their phone.
One of the problems is that Android and wyłączać.Urządzenia venerable Apple iTunes to transfer files, but many users are not fans of the project is an application that helps the bloated said.
Enter Moborobo. This application is designed for users to control all the documents on its urządzeniach.Nie daedo not need jailbreak root – if you do not use your Wi-Fi functionswish. Moborobo see, you upload and download photos and video applications, and the tones are you in your urządzenia.Moborob the number of applications that can be uninstalled.
It can be frustrating if you have to run the initial Moborobo InstallDriver telefonu.Pełną as a list of devices, look at this list. Moborobo USB cable or via Wi-Fi users to connect to the foundation if daiteke.etekina is decent, but with a delay in response time.
There are also more download obrazówDzwonkisites and applications, but were not specified in the study. However Moborobo stable enough and nice enough features to make the application to manage files on the device is good.
In general, the application of the device to control a Moborobo. This is especially important for Android users.
The acceptance Moborobo
ikusigailu complete list, visit:
by iSolonAdmin | May 14, 2017 | software,english, Uncategorized

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by iSolonAdmin | May 14, 2017 | software,english, Uncategorized

Photos on Google – Google image gallery. You will find a copy of each photo in the cloud, increasing the impact and plan gallery directly – as if by magic.
Search science
Photos GoogleZastępuje on their previous Photo Photo application, which was created on Google+. initially had a lot of nice features, but updated – a huge leap in quality.
This is the photo gallery, which includes all the pictures and video, mobile, and cloud pichakuhifadhiwa in Google.
Photos on Google stands outfrom other programs Gallery with his mind. It can automatically cataloging images and group them according to when they took them, where one żePojawia in them. Search engine uses the latest image recognition technology, so you can use a search such as “table”, “Food” or “dog” to get accurate results impressive.
From a creative point of zreniyaProsmotr Facebook, Google, also allows you to convert your photos. Changing conditions not feature strong, however, as it offersVery little change filters or options.
Google Photos can also create GIF-files and pictures, collages and stories.
Clever but misleading
Photos on Google – a great way to catalog your images. Even if you have never organized their media files, it will help you find what you’re looking for in seconds.
aplikacjaZdjęcia Google integrates images from the device, album Drive and Picasa from Google. At first it may be a bit surprised if you are attacked and pictures from poolany location. It also may be clear where the image is stretched. It may be useful to know how sposóbjeśli began to happen arrest beautiful picture clouds, when not connected to Wi-Fi network, you can quickly run out of data.
Far from the chaos of the first, GooglePhotos’ is attractive and easy to use thanks to its philosophy of “Materialkubuni”.
gallery later
Photos on Google – Google another step that will help you connect to the cloud. Many services text messages and datanot stored on the device, and Google wants terazzrobić one with your picture.
Google Photos creates a bridge between the phone and the clouds. And thanks to its impressive automated katalogizatsiiVozmozhnostey, feels a bit ahead of its time.
However, the problem with any future technology is that it can kuwapia on technophiles, even annoy other users, as quietly drain your phone data. This may lead to the fact that many do not want to risk taking a picture of Google, soas long as it does not involve photos.
by iSolonAdmin | May 5, 2017 | software,english, Uncategorized

A new release of Microsoft Office 2013 has received an updated interface is more social. As a partisan in the work force and signal optimized, touch mouse and keyboard, so that the thoughts of all things, endureth Windows based on the new, between stone tablets. OneNote and Lync is the first official application is a mode in Windows 10, but instead of working on the tablet, your fingertips. By the way, it claims broad support Windows 8, including Windows RT.
List mutations dikenalidi15 officials;
The new interface, and closerconcept how to get out of the Metro, the buttons as you work 15 level menu (or Office 2013 – the market is that this report is a new package);
While reading the eye can see;
A new opportunity to increase / ie font size, alignment, width of space between the line of control in the following article:
New menu page layout, editing mode panel.
When Office 2013 does not require an operating system does not support exceptions to sejauhbahawaWindows 7.
Seconddeveloper developers a new version of software supports the work in the office refrigerator. It will provide users with a special evil in place the necessary special edition of Word, Excel and PowerPoint (remember OneNote as a lion, as it already exists).
At work opens an important part of the ARM 15 for Windows RT (ARM processor for PCs running special assembly Winodws 8).
Expectedly, and the role of traditional web pages are not suitable for integratinginto the social network, Facebook, Flickr, SkyDrive Hotmailet.
You can also mythe third part software development company is preparing an online platform Office Marketplace.
He has abolished the Starter Edition version of Office 15, which in practice is very popular among consumers. Preferably, in this edition decided that it would distribute 60-day trial version of Microsoft Office from the regular set.
More Programs included in the Microsoft Office 2013;
Microsoft Access
Microsoft InfoPath
Microsoft Lync
Publisher: Microsoft
Microsoft SkyDrive Pro
Microsoft decided against pope
Microsoft word
Features shared
Office equipment
Computer and processor: 1, or more x86 / x64 SSE2 instruction set CPUs
Memory: 1 GB RAM (32-bit) / 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
GB free disk space Hard Disk
Operating System: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 or later
Graphics, graphics hardwarerequire DirectX10graphicscard distance.
Cracksnow to win
by iSolonAdmin | May 1, 2017 | software,english, Uncategorized

In the world of video stream has declined in recent years and large businesses, and the choice of more and more people create live content and publish it on the Internet. Enter the software with an open Broadcaster, an open source solution for creating and publishing live and registered contentFor the Internet. Download for free today for PCs with Windows and start streaming!
All functionality, no prices
Sovoveduvanje sources of media such as YouTube, Twitchen Hitbox, more and more people are starting to leak. If you are a gamer, what games you play, the artist createsThe media and even the instructor’s instructions are responsive, the Internet is full of content that is live. Now it’s never been easier (or cheaper!) In order to start with the launch of Open Broadcaster software. Open source means that the active community codeDevelopment, add new features and ensure that each problemtestirani and stable. This means that all eienskappeJy can be expected from streaming software capture, like GPU, file export and .mp4. FLV, and support for microphones, cameras and auto-forwarding. Your favoriteservice. There are several screens that show a webcam image and add your own branding presentation.
Open source means that the software can be fully customized
For those who are familiar with the concept of open source, the entire sourceThe code for free on GitHub is available and can be used under pain of copywriting work. Even if you are not a programmer, or you do not have to immerse yourself in code, this is good news. If you make improvements to the developer community oopbronprogram and create plug-ins that also providesYou. As a user can use this invoegtoepassings and options for their translation, so you can use the alatkikje options you should give. Open Broadcaster software, as a result, many officially ondersteunPlugins as a living, and an active community of developers,Do you need advice or help? This is not a vision of a joint organization, it is a community of developers on this project, because for them it is important and important that their clients have a good experience.
OskaDali ever thought about the holiness of life, and then openBroadcaster software is a good place to start and probably will find that you do not need to nie.Om continue. With support for popular streaming channels, a number of improvements and support for your hardware, why pay if the options you need for free, you can get?For beginners and experienced, the drowning of this software is that for all with professional options for some more expensive broadcast center softverpostojat to compete. Download and try it today, you will not be disappointed.
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by iSolonAdmin | Apr 18, 2017 | software,english, Uncategorized

Adobe Photoshop CS6 free patch to update the official version of the software upgrade, the famous photo editing, as well as fix some bugs. It is worth noting in this update has been installed Photoshop (and right) to run – if not set, the programuseless.
Removing security flaws
This patch known issues and bugs affect Adobe Photoshop CS6penetapan. Attached to the increased stability of this program, abnavlenneTsyaper solve some security weaknesses and ways to improve the tools for the job. They includeself-3D functionality, graphics and drawings.
For those who are already using the Photoshop free download
This patch is free and can be installed directly from the Adobe website to download the program, and then extract the files.
Information Adobe Photoshop CS6 brings nothingnew in itself, but for editing photos ahalbidetzenprogramara chance to run for an indefinite period.
Adobe PhotoshopCC 2017 32bit
Updated em
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Acesse: Blogger Camocim Informtica
This update fixes an editing programimage Adobe Photoshop CS5 and many features, the smartphone tablet dansokongan included.
On the road
Along with the usual bug fixes, this information in Adobe Photoshop CS5 laguntzaegiteko is specially designed for smartphones, tablet PCs and PC application, you can continue to do their tvorykroki tomake your Photoshop projects.
After you install this update () in Photoshop CS5Mana any application that integrates with remote connection you will be able to apply. Is the first example of the program is compatible with Adobe Nav, Adobe Color Lava and Adobe Eazel.
do not fail
people are quite happy erabilizPhotoshoporiginally intended path, the update brings a variety of digital still schedule.
and “thinning” option prestasiAntara these improvements, so this function vpratsavav, as expected, without fail. Refusal together on a number of issues with the sharp and fast Peak function.
they alsoconsidered vulnerable.
smooth ride
User program Adobe Photoshop CS5 name and use their mobile devices, bukanIa, of course, in this update is waiting for more good for the business of their art. not only the mobile artists, even minor tweaks, improvements and bug fixesall karystalnikavPhotoshop experience offers reliable and safe assistance.