And a new way to read touch-optimized inWord 2013 you can use swipe afinger skimthrough documents. Make changes to documents have been significant changes, and the spread of editingdocumentseasier. Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus also implies the need for additional PDF software, which makes it a direct competitor to Adobe Acrobat.
the use of special, new features
Excel 2013Yn In the same year, the new rate functionautomaticallyfillsarangezelulak Fill out the election. Excel analysis boardwhole, detects relationships between cells, and shows the value or text. It is also easy to Excel table and createpivot graphicsby suggestionsin building as well. Microsoft Office 2013 Quick Analysis featurein new permits to calculate a set of formatting options.
PowerPoint 2013 and chyflwynyddMae presenter and the audience is divided into two different perspective. In addition to the presentation, you can also meet seeabala menu screen will ngazajikwa more information. On tablets, slides canswitch between the signals do not ngfinger,stylus sessions and speeches of the paint film, or use virtual laser pointer.
All comments, Outlook 2013 will bring together the fade-in appointments, contacts and tasks menu. Outlook 2013 email now you can see the tablet-friendly and will dictate it, if desired, further list anoptimized field vision.
touch-optimized use of Windows 8 and minimalist design
When you use Microsoft Office 2013 Professional PlusKazi, you have to realize that change beensome. The tape is the most popular bar only when necessary and surgeryit’soptimized touchscreen finger. Such as pictures, video use HTML MicrosoftByd work, you can insert Office 2013Professional codeine. All come with a new way of looking touch-optimized applications.
Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus is similar to Windows erabiltzen8 minimalist design of the tiles, and generally seems to mold yakeKwa well.Large, are icons of themost important work is being organized, visually appealing, while offering a new template spreadsheets and presentations.
conclusion: better integrated Office Suite
MicrosoftOffice 2013 Professional Plus many useful function, which allows the screen to be selectivelyused bringing ontouch. Unfortunately, Office Suite is anything but friendly tablet. etaaukera lot of things too small to train your fingers.
Other features of MicrosoftOfisi 2013 Professional Plus, but llawerfwy lobby: PDF editor to edit offersgreatly better integration, integration with SkyDrive and iscloud, and extra features such as embedding a YouTube video, a great innovation.