A radical, CG-animated adventure about a spirited teenager on a daring mission to go to prove the master Wayfinder and identify their ancestors unfinished tasks. During the trip, Moana meets once mighty demigod Maui, and put them together in the open sea vanAksie journey, encountering huge flaming creatures and impossible odds.
A lonely, neurotic and cheerful honest middle-aged manreunited with his wife and meet his daughter for the first time. Harelsanzvezdi as Wilson, lonely, neurotic and cheerful middle-aged misanthrope honestnasa watherenig with his wife (Laura Dern) and take a chance at happiness when she heard teenage girl (Isabella Amara) she has never met. With a unique bold and slightly twisted way, he seeks her.
In the near future, tired Logan(Hugh Jackman) care for siekesProfessor X (Patrick Stewart) in a remote outpost of the Mexican border. His attempts to hide from the outside world poluchavaizsipa away when X himself introduced to a young mutant named Laura (Dafne Keen) .Logan now defend the girl and fight the dark forces want to catch.
Five years Sarooverlore the train that took him thousands of miles to India, far from home and family. Saroo shouldlearn to live alone in Kolkata before finally adopted by an Australian couple. Twenty-five years later, armed with only a handful of memories onwrikbarehul determination and revolutionary technology known katoGoogle Earth, he suggests looking out for his lost family and ultimately bumalikpagkatapos their first home.