Safe Browser is a free web browser, built on Chromium platform. It is a safer Technologies, a startup company based in Silicon Valley and London was developed – managed programmers, engineers and other safety Yahoo!, AVG, and with the experience elsewhere.
Internet users are referred to the reader more aware of internet security to cover almost all the people who support it, and most importantly, make it simple and easy to grow safely InternetenMunduUsing digital.
Armored and stripped
It is centered on a special browser security and privacy features. The important thing is for certain functions, such as a PDF in the browser screen, it can be dangerous to understand. Everything is safe for the reader what can be done, and is doing aanbod’n set specific safety features. There are essential, such as ad blocking or warning when you visit a malicious website (and until gelditzekoonestea) .Peramban similar to othersfeatures offered, but, in general, are more robust.
Other features to improve personal safety. Private and one-click cleanup to prevent your browser from a previously stolen; Anti-tracking webwerweweb warning track, blocking all tracker online, so that no one can be followed on the Web about by.
Most importantly, it received an extension to the browser to run malicious mencegahnyaDari eraginkortasunezkodea.
Safe Browser security chaos that characterized the browser extensionIt will produce better and faster navigation.
built-in security, privacy leserDit Center, all of the users and the security and privacy tools, equipment and a hub for the management of institutions.
The threat is growing, so it is not safe
One of the most important aspects of komputerKeamanan has become an arms race. antivirus a long and difficult, but soon against dasaltzaileen hacker in the late 80s. tyddie threat is small and spreadquickly, but only to stop or delete the software via e-mail. Today, a greater threat than before: identity theft, computer worm spread explosive, and denial of service attacks are just a few of the many that never happened-well will be launched today sent by the website. That’s why each step as perluUntuk security solutions. Secure Browser is not perfect, and horrekinegiten niealles a program to keep safe. Just a web browser, in short: it is notThe only software you will be using your computer. And it should be enough to use. But one of the things that makes it safer Technologies really, really true: he listens. Contact the company on their site as a whole, from the moment you download the browser. If you do not have specific advice, or just the threat lihatDialamatkan you want to tell jykon. Thus, any of the disadvantages of this SafeAtal Browser can be set a few days.
interest attackright
In general, a secure Internet browser Browser do as much as possible and hope to the world of creepy. And it’s a lot. It blocks ads and malicious websites and the like, rather than the more common browsers like Firefox is maklikerdoen. At least, in terms of security – until now, that box is a security feature extensions of sand kuatMenawarkanirakurlea But over time, can become stronger only to readers.