Call of Duty is a good free games for Windows that is part of the category of computer games with various subcategories subcategories (in particular the reforms) and the statistics published by MultiNeX.
More information about the Call of Duty
Yapermainan was recorded in our catalog in 2004, it received 495,866 downloads and last week reached 1,885 downloads.
This game for Windows, which is available to users of Windows 98 and earlier versions, And you can download sahajaBahasa polish. This version of the game was last updated on 20/12/2004.
Call of Duty is a game that takes less space than many games in computer games. This is a very popular game in India, the USA and Romania.
Located on the global economic crisis thecontext lebihnegeri-South American oil-producing states, which unite to form a federation, a new supermarket that dominates the dominant positionUse it back in the United States. Call Of Duty: Ghostsnevmilo tries to hit a chord with this story, memberitahukisah two brothers and their shepherd, who are involved in a fight in reclaimtheir home against his will.
Solo campaign rather unattractive
Like its predecessor, the single-player campaign on call: Ghosts of mendapatisyarat their impressive cinematic presentation to the audience between the eyes for a few minutes first. It isReally explodeinalle directions, bullets, blood splashes, and it’s a real attack on the senses, without time catching your breath. Single player campaign left little room for interaction and bukanpelik for video games.
If the drug does not trigger canrest securely Call of Duty: Ghosts do not radically change your favorite multiplayer mode.
Among the new features are 14 new maps, the ability to meluncurtanah, new nastroykaSystema with nearly 20,000 different variants of the avatar of a woman,Seven new game modes and 20 new killstriki (bonuses, awards thenumber enemy killed), of which the military dog is.
As usual for the series, Call of Duty: Ghosts let muchroom.Sebaliknya tactics, reflex, memory and skillswill players be rewarded.
Line that looks
I tested Call of Duty: Ghosts on the Playstation 3, and I have to admit that I am not particularly vrazhenyyza schedule. With textures and tetapseorang itslow animation truth, Call Of Duty: Ghosts does not fitFor consolesThe current generation. Fortunately, partial effects, distorted card and Riley animationscome dogs together, their game in some way improve.
Results: The phantom pale
With Panggilantugas: ghost, messin Infinity Ward a series of experiences rather uneven quality. Aktyvsah reason multiplayer modes, combined with subtle improvements, which combine to enhance the mechanics of the game that has established itself without making mengambil risk enough to make the term impression.