Doctor Strange
Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Sci-Fi
| Doctor Strange story Marvel’a talented neurosurgeon Dr. Stephen Strange, who | After a tragic car accident | We must put ego aside and learn
Secrets hidden world of mysticism and alternative sizes. fromheadquarters kvartyroyuv Greenwich Village in New York, Dr. Strange to act as an intermediary between
The real world and what lies behind it, using a huge amount of metaphysical sposobnostii artifacts to protect Marvel CinematicVszechsviat
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“Doctor Strange” is based on the history of Marvel talented neurosurgeon Stephen Strange that after the tragic car accident must put ego aside and learn tajneskriveni world misticizmov alternativerozmiry.Shtab-flat in Greenwich NovimVies York Bizarre doctor should act as a mediator between the real world and what lies beyond the reach of the main features of metaphysical and artifacts to protect the universe Marvel.