If you want to travel on the roads of Europe, without relying on a career as a truck driver, the best way to do this with a good game of trucks, such as the Euro Truck Simulator. Select country of departure and you’re on your way.
padarogi Europe trip
Behind the wheel of his truck, vašmisija consists mainlyin the implementation of supply from one city to another, in exchange for money.
Earning money, you can visit istinatada buy trucks iakiianoviia, more powerful, faster, and longer life.
decent graphics
Nha: Euro Truck Simulator offers decentgraphics (PS more, not having) and sound and goodmusiceffects. Animation prettislov however, a bit like the overall pace of the game.
The big problem with this simulation is to be repeated soon. Perhaps this is to simulate monotonenbuchene diesel and warned of the danger of falling into sanza behind the wheel?
Transport illegal tavaravgoniatstsaBite officers or driving against the flow of traffic on the highway will be quite strange (just saying).
Original, fun game
Original and good quality of graphics / sound effects ,: Euro Truck Simulator does not offer anything velmiAkramia othercar games motorbikeraces. Power upmiles taratwith moderate (legal) rate, however, guaranteed routeto boredom.