MiniLyrics 7.4

MiniLyrics is a plugin for playing music and viewing of your favorite music while they are.


Diekleine is your favorite song out things in life, especially if no one is around to see.But of course you know the music is trying to exploit. Fortunately, this is something you can easily find with MiniLyrics.

How it works

MiniLyricseen plug-in database of verses impression on the people you include,Although they are stored MP3 compulsive.

It began virtually simultaneously with music you can imagine, including iTunes, Winamp and Windows Media Player.Vervolgens click the play button and the program will automatically search for the show,Based on the data information tracking tags files.


During the test, MiniLyrics tekstelk music is played, including English, Spanish, German, Italian songs and even Japanese. Although different occasionsMiniLyrics lyrics not suitable, they can be downloaded and displayed in less than 30 seconds. The lyrics and save documents in view mp3 iPod Touch or iPhone. On the other hand, MiniLyrics nag windowShow time you make notification iushte for registration on top of each text file. It is priced at music fanatics may be willing to plug sepak.MiniLyrics betalenHet perfect for musicians who want to know what musicianTheir favorite.


Fixed: crash problem when using text download iPod.

Fixed. Problems accident when opening a timber of special verses