In the world of video stream has declined in recent years and large businesses, and the choice of more and more people create live content and publish it on the Internet. Enter the software with an open Broadcaster, an open source solution for creating and publishing live and registered contentFor the Internet. Download for free today for PCs with Windows and start streaming!
All functionality, no prices
Sovoveduvanje sources of media such as YouTube, Twitchen Hitbox, more and more people are starting to leak. If you are a gamer, what games you play, the artist createsThe media and even the instructor’s instructions are responsive, the Internet is full of content that is live. Now it’s never been easier (or cheaper!) In order to start with the launch of Open Broadcaster software. Open source means that the active community codeDevelopment, add new features and ensure that each problemtestirani and stable. This means that all eienskappeJy can be expected from streaming software capture, like GPU, file export and .mp4. FLV, and support for microphones, cameras and auto-forwarding. Your favoriteservice. There are several screens that show a webcam image and add your own branding presentation.
Open source means that the software can be fully customized
For those who are familiar with the concept of open source, the entire sourceThe code for free on GitHub is available and can be used under pain of copywriting work. Even if you are not a programmer, or you do not have to immerse yourself in code, this is good news. If you make improvements to the developer community oopbronprogram and create plug-ins that also providesYou. As a user can use this invoegtoepassings and options for their translation, so you can use the alatkikje options you should give. Open Broadcaster software, as a result, many officially ondersteunPlugins as a living, and an active community of developers,Do you need advice or help? This is not a vision of a joint organization, it is a community of developers on this project, because for them it is important and important that their clients have a good experience.
OskaDali ever thought about the holiness of life, and then openBroadcaster software is a good place to start and probably will find that you do not need to nie.Om continue. With support for popular streaming channels, a number of improvements and support for your hardware, why pay if the options you need for free, you can get?For beginners and experienced, the drowning of this software is that for all with professional options for some more expensive broadcast center softverpostojat to compete. Download and try it today, you will not be disappointed.
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