Capture events and try TED films: TED2017 highlights to choose exclusive nationwide to theaters discovered on Sunday, April 30, the most inspiring and insightful TED Talk from TED2017. This exclusive show only audiences include surprise occupation of the best moments and eineine composition names like Elon Musk, Dan Ariely, Cynthia Erivo and many other covers.
understand events and experience of attending the TED films: TED2017 Prize Event Live theaters on stranaVav Tuesday, April 25 Watch SerinaUilyams to surprise guests and other brilliant speakers, including Atul Gawande, Anna Rosling Rnnlund and Boogz + Lil choose Buck, on stage TED2017. $ Top Health Krieger Raj Panjabi won 1000000 TED Prize for his wish to finance.
Select theaters transferred TED2017 opening ceremony live nationwide make place on Monday, April 24, understand events and experience of attending the TED theater background in the series TED2017 opening night Front – the game with a one-week TED konferentsiyata.Opitat anddisclosure of TED talks and performances, as they develop in TED stage in Vancouver for the first time, British Columbia. LautsprecherSie is Anab Jain, Laura Galante, Titus kaphar, Garry Kasparov, Tim Ferriss, OK Go Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks.