Netflix Video is an application that allows access to a large library of films and TV shows.
You Netflix application for Windows Modern UI Windows 8 and beautiful interface. On the first screen to get 3 and recently viewed videos Instant queue. Move to the left and you will see recommended videos, popular videos and Netflix broken down by species.
Everything works and video Lancard świetnie.Sterowniki looks great and is easy to use, the sakugusa, even if the application works well withmouse and keyboard. In general face off with Netflix and other apps. Movies and TV shows are arranged in a grid with thumbnail video or music from protests.
Netflix saves your place when you pause or from an application and received from other devices supported olehNetflix. That’s great if you want to watch on your tablet przejśćOd watch on the big screen.
Neflixpia helps a lot with Windows 8. You can connect to Netflix from any externalthe screen to continue watching video on a small screen while using other apps. Or you can have Netflix as a major application and other applications hidden near busy and Netflixtetingkap greater. All of the Netflix app can also be used in this situation a lot.
Overall, Netflix brings świetneFilm and watches TV in Windows 8, and 10.
In this update we added features and bugs fixed.